How to look handsome

1 min read

handsome man

Men have a thing for looking handsome and suave and they are willing to do anything for it. Don’t you try hard to look attractive? From proper nutritive food to treatments, you go across boundaries to look clean.

But today we’ll tell you some handy tips to look smart and handsome from your home. These tips are simple and easy to follow:

  1. Don’t shave everyday: Shaving everyday leads to hardness and roughness of the skin.
  2. Eye Care: If you want to look young then get rid of the lumps and sluggishness of the skin below your eyes. Use a cucumber pack as the juice does wonders in tightening your skin and reducing the swelling.
  3. Maintain the moisture of the skin: Apply moisturizer daily on your skin. Rough skin makes you look older soon. You are safe from wrinkles as well.
  4. Wash your face: Wash your face at least 4 times a day to remove the dirt and pollution. This will prevent your skin from looking older. If your skin is oily then wash it many times a day.