Get Christmas ready!

2 min read


From taking a walk every 20 minutes to skipping for ten minutes daily are some practices that can be followed to ensure a perfect look for the Christmas season.

Celebrity fitness trainer and nutrition expert Lucy Wyndham-Read has teamed up with British electrical retailer Currys PC World to give some fitness tips.

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Here are the tips:

Walking a little faster is a great way to burn off some extra calories. Aim to walk at a speed of 4 miles per hour, as this helps you burn fat.

⇒ In the office, set a timer on a watch or your phone and every 20 minutes, simply stand up and move if even for a few seconds. After 20 minutes of sitting, the body starts to slow down the amount of calories you burn, so just move every 20 minutes to keep it fully active.

⇒ Ditch the biscuit tin and swap for a smoothie and save calories and get your vitamins at the same time.

 Everyday, challenge yourself to burn off an extra 100 calories over the build up to Christmas, this way you can have banked and be in credit by at least 2,400 calories.

 Skipping for 10 minutes can burn up to 135 calories and at the same time sculpts and tones your lower body.

⇒ Keep your body fuller for longer by adding in some oats to your smoothies, throwing these into your blender will help stabilise your blood sugar levels so you will be less tempted to snack on the mince pies in the office.

⇒ While taking the stairs, take two at a time, this works your thighs and butt harder and avoid using the hand rail as then you contract your abs more for balance.

 Music is a great motivator, so create a new playlist and name it “My Pre-tox Christmas Playlist” then listen to this when you work out.

 Keep your workout gear on the radiator as this way you are more likely to slip into it and head out in the winter for a quick workout.