Stay away from these foods during breastfeeding

2 min read


There is often a doubt among the new mothers as to what are the things that might affect their child’s health during breastfeeding. Improper eating of the mother may lead to stomach ache and various other problems in the baby.

  • Caffeine: If you are a regular caffeine, soda or tea consumer then some of its particles mix in the milk. Infants are unable to digest caffeine and it leads to irritation, pain and inability to sleep. If you have too much craving for coffee then drink only after breastfeeding the child.
  • Sour Fruits: Certain materials found in sour fruits and juices may cause problems for your little one. They may lead to upset stomach, irritation or nervousness. They may vomit the milk and may also have diaper rash. To fulfill the need for Vitamin C found in sour fruits you can consume papaya or mango.
  • Chocolate: Chocolate also has a slight amount of caffeine in it. Although the concentration of caffeine is not as much as coffee. If you think that the cause of your child’s irritation may be chocolate then quit consuming it.
  • Garlic: You might have a thing for garlic but your child hasn’t developed a taste for it yet. The flavor of garlic may go into your milk and spoil its flavor for the child.
  • Peanut: Stay cautious before including peanuts in your diet. If your family medical history comprises of allergies from peanuts then refrain from consuming it as it might transfer to your child. Rashes might be a symptom for allergy.
  • Corn: You might like eating corn but sometimes you’re not sire if it’s okay for your child to eat. Make a ‘Food Diary’ for this and note if your child showed any symptoms of an allergy from corn.
  • Pepper Mint: You must be fond of Pepper Mint chutney or paratha’s but it reduces your milk production in your body so do not consume it. If you drink pepper mint tea then switch to chamomile tea, it’s good for your child’s health. Refrain from taking mint Menthol Cough Drops as well.