Natural Energy Drink

2 min read

natural liquid

Green foods are always good for health. They keep essential nutrients to the body and keep it energetic. Spinach, banana, mint and coriander are some greens whose juice can be extracted. Even doctors advice us to drink green juices.

You can cook and eat them as well but where the juices are at an advantage is that reach the required body parts easily and the body doesn’t have to exert much energy to digest it. There are innumerable qualities in a green juice but how to make a green juice in a right way is often confusing. Here are some tips to prepare green juice.

  • Spinach and coconut juice: You must be questioning the existence of this juice but this juice is very beneficial for the body. 1 cup coconut milk, 1 cup banana leaves, 1 celery stick, 1 banana and 1 cinnamon. Mix these ingredients and take out their juice. This juice is sweet in taste due to cinnamon and banana. This juice gives a lot of energy to the body and removes all the toxic materials. It also helps in improving digestive system.
  • Aloe vera Juice: There are many health benefits to aloevera. It detoxifies the body properly. It also removes all the toxic materials from the body and prevents it from dehydration. To know more about its benefits read the advantages of aloe vera.
  • Cucumber and Spinach: Take 1 cup cucumber and spinach and take out its juice. Add salt, lemon or pepper for taste. Add water and make juice. It is very healthy; cucumber is a natural cleanser and consist ample amount of proteins. And spinach consist oxidants, proteins and different healthy nutrients.
  • Mint and Lemon: Mint gives freshness and Lemon gives energy. Drinking this juice prevents dehydration. Mince mint and add lemon to the paste. Add cinnamon, salt or sugar for extra taste. This juice is a boon for health.
  • Green Garden Juice: To make this juice take 4 banana leaves, 1 cup grinded cucumber, 1 cup spinach leaves, celery and parsley. Mix all these together and add pepper for taste. This drink consist all the nutrients and is the perfect energy drink. You can consume this in breakfast as well.