How To Tell Your Daughter About Periods ?
2 min readWhen is your daughter going to get her first periods. Well, there is exact way to judge this, but when your daughter has both her breasts and pubic hair (not just a couple of wisps of hair, but a reasonable amount) grown, you need to start talking about periods.
Tell Her The Symptoms
Don’t feel shy in telling your daughter about what it will be like when she does start her periods. Explain why girls have periods and what is going on. Tell her about the bleeding, pain, crankiness, cramps that she may have to face. Listening about all these symptoms, she may be a little nervous, but just assure her that it will be OK, and she can always count on you.
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Teach Her The Way To Deal
Show your daughter how to use pads. Tell her when to change and which product to use. Teach her about hygiene and precautions to be taken after the periods have started.
Make Her Comfortable To Talk
Discussing about periods is not a great subject, so your daughter might feel a little shy and nervous the first time. If she’s nervous, tell her it’s alright, it’s a girl to girl talk. You may want to find out if everything is going fine, has she missed any periods, is she late or early. These things are important. You may want to take her to the doctor, if something does not seem right to you.
Don’t Wait for Others To Teach
Periods is a very personal subject. So, daughters should hear it first from their mother, not the health teacher or her best friend. Most schools do have some education about puberty, but they may create myths in the child mind as she cannot get the chance to talk over the details and overcome her curiosity.
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Don’t Discuss Publically
Women have the habit of asking about periods publically. But they should avoid doing this, as the daughter may feel shy and offended. She may also hesitate and not be comfortable in discussing the details.
Use Positive Language
Avoid using words like “curse.” Be positive. Tell her that it’s part of womanhood and motherhood, and these are both good things. Please don’t be negative about something your daughter is likely already a bit nervous about. Teach her about calculating dates and carrying sanitary the time periods are ready to come.