Feng Shui to make your life successful

2 min read


Everyone is aware of Feng Shui which originated in China and tries to produce positive energy in a person through paying attention on place, things and other activities. Due to the growing popularity of Feng Shui in Western Countries this almost obsolete trend came back.

There are many rules of Feng Shui and many myths are attached among people regarding it. It’s better to know the right rules and follow them. Given below are five rules that must be followed in order to gain peace, prosperity and happiness.


⇒ Keep the front door of your house clean, tidy and welcoming. The door should not be dirty and there shouldn’t dried plants around it. This door is the entrance for the positive energies.

 Keep all the rooms in your house neat and tidy. For positively all the rooms of your house should be properly kept and maintained. If the rooms are clean and kept you’ll experience peace and serenity. Don’t kept broken and unused things in your rooms.

 Keep your furniture properly and orderly. It should be properly aligned. For sitting or lying there should be proper facilities. Arrange your furniture in such a way that if someone is willing to take the support of the wall, he doesn’t have to move the furniture.

 Always maintain a gap between your office and living room. Resting and working places should be at different spots. If both are the same then you’ll always experience tension and won’t be able to relax.

⇒ Always repair all the broken things in the house immediately. So negative energies won’t enter your house. It is said that till the time there are broken objects in the house, positive energies do not inculcate.