How to resolve arguments ?

2 min read


Sometimes normal conversations take the form of heated up arguments and end up souring the relations between people. The question is who is responsible for this-the person who argues or the bystanders who have their share of fun.

Resolving arguments is an art which boys are accustomed to in a better way. If two men start to yell and scream at each other a third guy comes in and asks them to clear all this and go for a drink and so everyone calms down.

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How good would it be if every relation was as warm as this. Today we’ll tell you some tricks to improve relations and solve conflicts.

Stop the general assembly- If many people are yelling over the same topic then abruptly say that general assembly is interrupted-no one should speak now. You’ll be dominating but the topic will come to an end.

Leave it, why are you messing- Conflicts between friends can be best solved in this way that you urge them to leave all this and go for a walk. This will lighten and freshen up the mood.

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Lay down the argument- If you’re fighting with your wife on some insignificant topic then lay \down your weapons and tell her that she’s right.

Maybe you’re right- If you’re in an argument with your boss then adhere to the ground rules and tell him that maybe you’re not quite knowledgeable in this field and back off.