How to made Hot-Hot Bread pakoda ?

2 min read

Bread Pakoda is the best traditional snack for enjoying with your tea sips in monsoon time. Here’s we tell you, how we can make this delicious Indian snack at our place! Have a look

Bread Pakora
Bread Pakora

For: 4 people


For filling –

  • 4 boiled potato

  • 2 green chilly

  • ½ spoon red chili powder

  • ½ spoon dry mango powder

  • ½ salt or black salt

  • A pinch of Asafoetida

  • Chopped coriander leaves


For layering –

  • 3 cup basen (gram flour/chickpea flour)

  • ½ spoon red chili powder

  • ½ carom seeds

  • 8 slice of bread

  • Salt as per taste

  • Water

  • Oil


  • Mash the boiled potato properly.

  • Add chopped coriander leaves, red chili powder, salt, mango powder, Asafoetida and green chili. Mix it properly and made fine dough of potato. Keep this aside.

  • Preparing the gram flour batter for layering, take a bowl and pour 3 cup flour on it.

  • Add carom seed, red chili, and salt. Pour some water and mix it properly.

  • Batter should be not thick and nor thin. Put a drop on your dorsal hand and taste it. If something is less or much, then adjust accordingly.

  • Mix 4 drops of oil in it.

  • Take 8 pieces of bread, and cut them in triangular shape.

  • Put potato stuffing on bread and apply it evenly. Cover the potato stuff slice with another slice.

  • All 8 breads are ready.

  • Take flour batter, dip bread stuff on it, and cover it well. Be sure, you coat it evenly on bread.

  • On the other side, heat some oil on fry pan for frying.

  • Put the Coated bread in it. Keep medium flame.

  • Fry it until they are crisp and golden brown on both sides.

  • Now, your bread pakoda are ready!

  • Serve it with Mint chutney or sauce with choice of yours.